Have you found yourself struggling with the aftermath of adverse possession or a boundary dispute? You may need to seek out the assistance of a real estate attorney. Personal property law cases are one of the most common legal issues brought up in the United States, seeing thousands of violations and grievances brought to court year after year. It can be difficult knowing where to begin with the foreclosure process or whether or not you should read up on business property law before filing a case.
A still frequent occurrence is that of foreclosure. It’s estimated one in every 96 homes have reported at least one, if not several, foreclosure filings back in 2013. On average it takes around 40 days to close on a house in California, though this number can fluctuate depending on the state and the property in question. Some of the most common reasons for foreclosure include violations of contract or significant debt.
Personal property law cases involve everything from abandoning of property to illegal occupation. According to title 10 of the California civil procedures code, any property that is abandoned or has no easily identifiable legal owner is considered unclaimed. Should said property remain unclaimed for three years or more it will then be transferred to the Californian government.
Another factor that crops up in personal property law cases is that of eviction. If a Californian tenant has lived on the premises for more than one year a landlord is required by law to provide at least 60 days’ notice to vacate in the event of an eviction. Should said eviction escalate to a court setting, a judge will then hear and decide on the outcome of the case within 20 days on average — this is directly after the landlord or tenant file a request for the case to go to trial.
A contract is a binding agreement between multiple parties and can be cited in the legal system should it be violated in any way. Once you’ve entered a purchase contract the proceedings will depend entirely on the requirements listed. For example, the specifications of a closing date can run the gamut of four to 10 weeks, though this also varies from state to state.
Inspection is an essential part of the browsing and buying process. The National Association OF Realtors has found nearly 80% of homebuyers have an inspection done before completing their home purchase — some of the most common reasons for this include avoiding nasty surprises once the selling process is done, double-checking repairs and getting a general feel for the place.
Personal Property Law Cases
Should you hit a roadblock concerning the foreclosure process or need to design a more accurate real estate contract, looking into personal property law cases and how they’ve been handled will help you get started on the right course of action. One out of every 200 homes will be foreclosed upon and state laws provide strict regulations regarding proper notification and opportunities to pay. Should your home mortgage be at risk of foreclosure an attorney should be consulted at the nearest convenience. From real estate law to breaches of contract, knowing your resources if the first step toward a positive outcome.