Wage garnishment. Just the sound of that phrase can be depressing. When someone is experiencing a wage garnishment it means a creditor has taken them to court and won a court order for it. If it is an IRS wage garnishment it is even more dreadful. The IRS can even skip the court order and impose a wage garnishment on taxpayers who owe them money. Wage garnishment means taking money out of each and every paycheck and giving it to your creditor. Not that you don’t owe the money, it’s just that you may not be able to afford it. The good news is that people can find out how to stop IRS wage garnishment. If you ever find yourself in this situation with the IRS, call a tax resolution firm and ask “how can I stop wage garnishment.” They will know how to stop irs wage garnishment.
It takes some legal negotiations to stop irs garnishment. When you go to a tax resolution firm they will ask the IRS to review your situation. The tax resolution firm will also do an investigation. One can also file a request for a Collection Due Process hearing. If you hire an IRS tax attorney they can represent you at the hearing, which normally occurs at the Office of Appeals. The request has a certain time limit in which it must be filed. An IRS tax lawyer knows the time limit to file the appeal is 30 days and how to file the request properly.
One suggestion on how to stop IRS wage garnishment is to enter into an installment plan with eh IRS if you don’t want to file an appeal. Perhaps you really do owe the amount so you just want to pay it. Most people learn about this option when they go see a IRS tax attorney on how to stop a IRS wage garnishment. An installment agreement may be a more affordable option. Find out more on how to stop irs wage garnishment by researching this subject online or by scheduling a consultation meeting with an IRS tax attorney at a tax resolution company today.