In the last post, we discussed the three most common types of nursing home abuse: physical abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. However, there is a common misconception that those are the only types of abuse that warrant hiring attorneys, and that is simply not true. Here are some other forms of elder abuse that are grounds for nursing home abuse cases.
Financial Abuse and Exploitation
In 2014, the CDC reported that there were 15,600 nursing homes in the United States. Unfortunately, some of them employ staff that steal from and otherwise exploit patients financially. In extreme cases, nursing home owners have been caught draining their residents’ bank accounts. Financial exploitation can also include identity theft, but one of the most common instances is health care fraud, which occurs when a staff member or nursing home charges the resident or their family for medical care they didn’t actually receive.
It’s no surprise that financial abuse is difficult to spot, but if your loved one seems to be losing money suspiciously quickly, this may be the reason why. Don’t be afraid to talk to them about this possibility and help monitor their funds. If you notice irregularities or suspicious items on bills, do not hesitate to reach out to the provider for clarification.
Sexual Abuse
In any context, unwanted sexual contact is considered sexual abuse, no matter what. This is a horrendous type of abuse that usually occurs when a staff member takes advantage of a resident. Because the perpetrator is typically in a position of power over the resident, it may be difficult for them to report this abuse. The signs of sexual abuse can vary greatly, but the best way to be proactive is to encourage an open exchange of communication between you, your loved one, and their physicians. If you feel as though your loved one may have experienced sexual abuse, start getting in touch with nursing home abuse attorneys as soon as you can to hear about your family’s options.
The bottom line is this: all nursing home residents deserve to be treated with care and respect. Even though all staff members have a solemn duty to meet those expectations, some fail to do so. The best way to protect your loved one from all forms of elder abuse is to keep in touch with them and make visits as often as you can. All senior citizens deserve to enjoy their golden years, not to be treated with total disrespect.
For more information about finding nursing home abuse attorneys in West Virginia, contact Greene Ketchum, a Huntington, WV law office.