No one wants to experience a foreclosure or bankruptcy filing but sometimes it is the best thing to do. Nearly one out of every 200 homes will go into foreclosure. Different states have their own rules and regulations on the process and the chance to pay before the property is sold. If you think you might face foreclosure you should seek out an expert in real estate contracts to help you through the process.
- Do not put your head in the sand. Many people think they can just ignore the problem and it will go away. The further behind you are, the harder it will be to get back on your feet. The earlier you contact your lender, the more options you will have to deal with them. Lenders have programs to help out homeowners in trouble. You can get help but you need to go to your lender early in the foreclosure process.
- If you get mail from your lender, read it! There are foreclosure prevention programs and options that will keep you in your home so you can avoid eviction. The letters from your lender will have important and valuable information that you need to see. Later in the process, the letters may have information on legal action against you. You need to see this information and respond to everything.
- You have rights, know them. Read your loan documents so you know what your rights are and what they can do to you if you fail to make your payments to your lender. Learn about the foreclosure rules and regulations on foreclosure rules and regulations in your state. Call the State Government Housing Office. If you live in California, your landlord has to give you six months if they want to evict you.
- Learn about your options. Contact a real estate contracts expert. The Department of Housing and Early Development has programs and trains counselors to work with homeowners. Housing counselors who are experts in real estate contracts can work with you and your lender. Counselors are available all over the country and are free or very low cost. Look at the HUD web site for more information.
- Saving your home has to be a priority. Your first concern is your healthcare but after that, it has to be saving your home. Look for expenses you can lose like entertainment, cable television, gym memberships. Hold off on paying your other debt until you have gotten back on track with your mortgage. Hold off paying credit cards until you have the money for your mortgage.
- Do you have any assets? Can someone in the home get a second job? Do you have anything you can sell? If you have an insurance policy or jewelry you can sell, do that to pay off your loan and back on track with your loan. Can you sell and insurance products?
- Avoid scams. There are enough legitimate organizations that can help your with your mortgage. They have experts in real estate contracts and the foreclosure process. There are unfortunately a lot of scams that are out there, too. Make sure your counselor is a HUD approved person who has been trained on foreclosure prevention. One problem with the scams is they do not help you keep your home and you end up in a worse position than when you started.
If your eviction goes in front of a judge, a judge will hear your case within 20 days after the paperwork has been filed.
You have rights and there are programs around to help you avoid losing your home to foreclosure. You might want to learn some real estate law language so you know what is going on. Take some time to learn the process in your state. It is important to know what you are facing and what you can do to get back on track. Counselors work with people in every state in the nation to help them renegotiate their mortgages. It is a stressful situation but you can get through it with the help is out there.