There are many reasons that people have to go to court, and many reasons that they may be asking themselves, “do I need a lawyer” before they go to court. Hiring a lawyer is a detailed process, and one that you probably don’t want to mess up. Many people will offer advice on finding the right lawyer and listening to tips are great, but in the process of doing what is right, you should avoid mistakes when finding a lawyer. Read below to see some common mistakes when hiring a lawyer, and how you can avoid them.
Many people neglect to review all the fees associated with hiring a lawyer. It is your responsibility to check the fees upfront before deciding to hire a lawyer or employ a lawyer firm. Read the fees thoroughly and ask any questions if you don’t understand. This may be your only chance to ask questions as well as negotiate the fees if you feel the need to do so.
Meeting in Person
It is easy to get a feel for someone over the phone or when communicating through email, but you won’t get a full idea of who they really are if you don’t ever meet them in person. Many people make this mistake and do not meet their attorney in person before deciding to hire them. This poses a problem when they finally do meet. You and your attorney will be working together for some time, so it is important to get a feel for them and make sure that you two communicate well in person before deciding to hire them.
Believing Statements
There is nothing wrong with believing what your lawyer tells you, but you should always fact check before going off solely what you hear. One common phrase is “years of experience.” This phrase is a popular one that many people just believe and go along with, but there are two problems with it. The first problem is it may not be true for the firm, they are simply using the term to draw in clients. The other problem is even though the firm may have years of experience, they may not have experience in the field that you need them for. This would make hiring this lawyer almost pointless. Always fact check before just believing what you see or hear.
First Choice
Sometimes people call one lawyer and decide they are the one that needs to be hired, without calling any other law firms. There are a number of lawyers for you to choose from, meaning you don’t have to go with the first one that you talk to. Call around, ask questions and take notes. Narrow down your choices to a few lawyers who meet your expectation. Once you have that list then go visit those lawyers in person and talk with them face to face. Once you have done that, then make your decision of hiring a lawyer that you feel most comfortable with.
Trial Experience
If you are expecting your case to go to trial, or even if there is a small chance it could, then you want to make sure you choose the right lawyer. You should make sure to find one that has trial experience. This will help you tremendously if you do go to trial. There is nothing worse than hiring a lawyer that doesn’t have trial experience, loosing your trial then having to pay another lawyer in order to do what you wanted to do in the first place.
Finding a lawyer that is perfect for you should take some time. This will help you feel comfortable about your choice, and ensure that the two of you can work together. If you are going to pay someone to work with you, then it only makes sense that the two of you can actually work well together.