About 41 percent of people who will marry for the first time will get divorced, which is slightly lower than the statistic that virtually everyone throws out there today of half of all marriages ending in divorce. But some other interesting statistics shed more light on the nature of divorce in America, including the facts that marriages often last longer and do better when both parties are older, when they have higher education levels, and when they earn more money, and that the mean age for a woman going through her first divorce is 29. More interesting still is that the typical divorce proceeding will drag on for a year. It takes a few minutes to marry and nearly an entire year to divorce.
Why are any of these facts interesting, like the ones mentioned above or the interesting fact the University of Florence found, which was that people who committed adultery outside of the home had more susceptibility to heart attacks and related cardiovascular events? Divorce has always remained a mystery to so many. People have a hard time wrapping their heads around the notion that they could be in love with another person one minute and disgusted with that person the next. However, these situations do occur, and largely in the Galveston area a Galveston divorce attorney will step in when a couple realizes that they can no longer live together under the same roof.
A Galveston divorce lawyer is a good shoulder on which to rest one’s troubles from a marriage ending standpoint, but primarily a Galveston divorce lawyer will act professionally to represent his or her client in or outside of court, handling the delicate situation of dividing assets in a way that ideally makes sense for everyone involved. While a Galveston divorce lawyer largely represents the client and that client’s interests, many attorneys in practice today aim to reach resolutions rather than grab every penny possible (though there still are attorneys in town who will fight tooth and nail for clients, if these clients are so inclined to find them).
Many times, a Galveston child custody attorney becomes a requirement, particularly when young children under the age of 18 are involved. A Galveston child custody lawyer works just like a Galveston divorce lawyer but with specific goals of developing custody agreements and of negotiating the terms of those agreements. Of course, whether a couple has young children or not will determine whether a Galveston divorce lawyer is required or whether one with experience handling custody agreements should be hired.
Continue reading here: www.divorcereality.com