There are a number of agencies that make up the department of homeland security and that work to deal with immigration concerns and legal cases. In some cases, additional services and advice is needed to deal with legal ramifications and concerns of immigration. Oftentimes, immigration firms become involved to help protect the rights of those seeking immigration status and who need help with the legal process.

These legal experts can assist with all of the steps involved, both before and after getting immigrant visa for USA residency. They will help you through the process, protect your rights, and make sure you understand everything that is going on. They can also help answer any questions you might have, such as ‘is there an age limit for immigration to USA?’ or ‘how can families easily immigrate into the country?’
If you have questions about the immigration process and need legal advice or guidance, be sure to contact your local law firm as soon as possible. They can make the entire process easier and give you access to affordable immigration services.
This Independence Day is a time of conflict. For immigrants who are caught in a time of changing immigration laws; for immigrant families who have been separated at the border; to immigration advocates who are struggling to find a way to help the thousands of people who came to this country for for protection and only found persecution; there are many people who are finding it a little more difficult to find a reason to celebrate this Fourth of July season. While some are celebrating the birth of this nation, there are a growing number of Americans who find very little to celebrate in these troubling times.
As thousands of children are said to be kept in cages on the border while they are separated from their parents, it should come as no surprise that there are immigrants who have been in this country for years who are working desperately to become legal citizens so that they can finally sleep at night. For this reason, it should come as no surprise that the need for experienced immigration lawyers is greater than ever.
Today’s Immigration Laws Are a Political Nightmare for Many
During a month when this nation celebrates a country that was founded by refugees from around the world, today’s immigration laws seem to be contradictory to the ideals that where important to American’s founders. As a result, immigration lawyers are busier than ever trying to help their clients find a safe and legal way to stay in the country. Consider some of these facts and figures about the nation’s current immigrant population:
- 43.3 million foreign-born people currently live in the U.S.
- Since 1965, the number of foreign-born individuals in the U.S. population has more than quadrupled. This number is expected to reach 78 million by 2065.
- 67% of those eligible for citizenship had obtained it by 2015.
- Lawful immigrants account for 75% of the foreign-born population in America.
- 60% of immigrants in the U.S. today have lived here for at least 15 years.
- Mexicans accounted for approximately 26% of immigrants in the U.S. in 2016, making them by far the largest foreign-born group in the country.
This is a scary time for immigrants and their families. Whether they are awaiting citizenship after a long process or they are trapped at the border and separated from the family, these are challenging times for some to celebrate the birth of a nation that was founded by people who migrated to this country from around the world.