From the DUI law office to criminal defense lawyers to prostitution lawyers, there are many different types of legal professionals who are specializes in various criminal matters found here in the United States. And there is no doubt about it that these criminal matters are incredibly common, with criminal charges and criminal allegations of all natures coming forth on a regular basis. For instance, the average DUI law office and typical DUI attorney will be able to attest to the all too high prevalence of drunk driving and driving while otherwise under the influence, things that continue to become more and more popular here in the United States as the years pass us by.
After all, more than ten million people drove while under the influence of drugs in the year of 2012 alone, let alone in any of the other years that have transpired recently. And in addition to this, more than 300,000 people drive drunk over the course of just one day, with the average person driving while drunk for as may as 80 times before ever actually being caught. In addition to this, driving while under the influence of drugs other than alcohol has been found to cause more than 15% of all car accidents seen here in the United States, of which there are more than 5 million of over the course of just one single year.
And the consequences of drunk driving or other wise driving under the influence are something that the average DUI law firm is all too aware of. In fact, the average DUI law office and firm here in the United States knows that the fatalities associated with drunk driving are far too high, with as many as 28 people dying in a single day in drunk driving related incidents alone. And in addition to this, a new person is injured in such an event for every two minutes that pass, a high amount by just about any standards. The average DUI law office and firm in the United States is certainly a busy place indeed.
And the DUI law firm is not the only type of law office and firm that will handle car accident cases, as distracted driving has proven quite dangerous in recent years as well. In fact, it has become more popular than ever before as devices like the smart phone have grown in popularity and it is now estimated that more than 600,000 people are driving while distracted in some way at any given moment here in the United States, no matter what time of day or night it might be. Of course, this proves to be hugely risky and dangerous behavior, as distracted driving has proven quite dangerous and even deadly for the cars that are in them.
And aside from those who work as a car accident attorneys at any give DUI law office or otherwise, there are still many more types of lawyers working diligently here in the United States. For instance, prostitution and sex solicitation are both widely popular types of crime here and all throughout the United States, far more so than they should be. After all, as many as 80,000 people will be arrested on charges of soliciting sex over the course of just one year here in the United States alone, often charged with a class A misdemeanor, which, in the state of Oregon, at least, which can come with a fine of up to $6,250 and even a year spent in prison, something that can happen to those that prostitute as well as those that seek their services.
There is certainly no doubt about it that crime is relatively commonplace here in the United States, and it comes in all shapes and sizes. From drunk driving (typically handled by a DUI law office and firm) to soliciting sex or prostituting, there are many different crimes out there, and many of them have vastly varying repercussions. All however, are hugely important to take seriously both in terms of when looking at who is committing them as well as when looking into methods of prevention.