Are you considering doing a homemade Will? Be cautious of these couple of things this video mentions. If you can, look into a will and trust lawyer.
A homemade Will is only legally valid if properly drafted, signed and witnessed. The absence of these things means the Will will be in danger of being disputed.
These DIY Wills and trusts come into question often because what someone thinks they say might not actually be what it says. It can cause serious issues with family members if not done correctly. These “fill in the blank” Wills do not work well with people with many surviving family members or with a lot of property and possessions. However, if you have a simple estate plan, you can successfully write your own will without a lawyer. Then you can go to a will and trust lawyer to get it reviewed. They can go over it step by step with you to ensure that everything is what you want it to say. Additionally, if you are the surviving family member that has a Will you want reviewed, this service can help you get what you deserve.