The Best Places to Network for a Beginning Attorney
Networking is essential for a beginning attorney; it lays the foundation for a successful career. Finding places to network, however, is the big question. Some of the best places you can try a hand at are legal industry events (continuing legal education seminars, bar association meetings, law firm social gatherings). Here are some of the…
What Social Security Lawyers Learn in Law School
McCracken County Bar Association presents a video teaching how to claim disability from the Social Security Administration. Claiming disability is a complex process; expert social security lawyers give us insights into the most important aspects. The Definition of Disability It is important to understand how the Social Security Administration defines disability. It is the first…
10 Incredible Benefits Experienced Lawyers Enjoy
While studying law requires years of rigorous study and dedication, the benefits experienced lawyers enjoy far outweigh their challenges. The legal profession offers many advantages, making it an appealing career choice. For individuals willing to put in the effort, the rewards of being an attorney surpass the investment of obtaining a law degree and securing…
10 Compelling Branches of Law For the Graduate Lawyer
Becoming a lawyer not only requires commitment and a passion for law, but the ability to complete law degree programs while simultaneously passing the bar. As a graduate lawyer, you may be wondering which branches of law to consider for yourself. For any new graduate lawyer, familiarizing yourself with branches of law that are currently…
Law Firm Marketing 101
If you are looking for ways to grow and market your law firm, then thinking about a porta potty rental in Elkhart, Indiana might not be at the top of your to-do list. Developing the best marketing plan for your firm involves careful planning and management skills. This video goes over four key tips that…
3 Benefits of Starting Your Police Career
Most people think a police officer’s work is just about chasing bad guys, like in the movies. However, a career in the police service encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and has numerous benefits.The video explores the benefits of starting a police career. Starting a police career offers job security, guaranteed employment opportunities and a…
Separation Prevention Tips From a Divorce Attorney
Divorce is hard on everyone. Divorce attorneys witness the emotional and financial toll divorce can take on individuals and families and speak from experience. Here are some separation prevention tips that can help strengthen your relationship and potentially avoid the need for a divorce. Video Source Effective communication is crucial in any relationship. Discuss your…
Legal Path Options to Pursue After Law School
If you’re reading this, you have probably narrowed it down to law as one of your potential career paths. By choosing law, you have completed half the decision, and what is left is identifying which area of specialty is most suited for you. Your choice will determine your work and where you work for a…
Discovering the Aspects of the Law That You Wish to Practice
According to Boston University, you can follow several career paths as a lawyer. These include corporate law, government law, public interest, and private practice. On top of that, there are several sub-paths, such as tax law, real estate law, and employment law that legal professionals choose to specialize in. It’s a good idea to understand…
Diving Into the Legal Sector Is Criminal Law Hard to Practice?
Many people look at what happens in the criminal legal system and wonder if getting involved in this type of practice is difficult. Many are interested in learning more about it because they want to see what it is like to practice criminal law in real life compared to what it is like when they…