From Assets To Custody How A Divorce Attorney Can Help You

If you end up in a divorce, it’s important to enlist all the help that you can get from the best divorce attorneys. This will make it easier for you to not only work through the process with less hassle, but it can also enable you to get a fair outcome in the end. You should know that a divorce on mutual agreement may be the easiest one, but this isn’t always the case. For instance, if your wife filed for divorce and caught you off-guard, you may be wondering what the next step to take is. You can start by doing some research so that you’re better informed. This may take searching for something like “My wife wants a divorce what are my rights?” and more.


This can give you valuable insights on what to expect in a one sided divorce and enable you to stay mentally prepared. You also want to know the possible answers to “What does a judge consider in a divorce?” so that you can make the necessary preparations. As a result of doing research and working with a reliable attorney, you can keep surprises to a minimum and even get a fair outcome for all involved.

You also want to know the possible answers to "What does a judge consider in a divorce?"

Marriage is hard and takes a lot of work and cooperation. Sometimes, despite all the best intentions and effort, things don’t work out and a divorce is inevitable. When such a situation arises, it is often in the best interest of both parties to work with a skilled and experienced divorce attorney. Many couple’s first question is something along the lines of do I really need an attorney and where is the closest attorney to me? A great place to start the search is local listings in your area.

You can also talk to trusted friends and family who may have had a divorce recently and see who they suggest you contact or who you should avoid at all cost. Some of the best divorce online records can show you reviews and success rates for an attorney that you may have in mind so that is a great way to double-check before committing. Often times the best-rated divorce attorney and the one that ends up being right for you may not be the first one you contact. So be sure to shop around and compare attorneys carefully before you make that final choice. Check the divorce attorney ratings, reviews, and feedback carefully. It will help ensure you have the right legal representative on your side.

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Did you know that every 36 seconds in America, someone gets divorced? This adds up to 2,400 divorces per day, 16,8000 divorces per week, and 876,000 divorces per year. The point is that divorce is no longer the taboo it once was in America. No matter what we feel about this, the fact is that people are always going to get divorced, and usually for extremely valid reasons. If you’re facing a divorce, you shouldn’t feel like you’re harboring a dirty secret. Some try to keep their divorces as “quiet” as possible, and in the process attempt to work through their divorces without an attorney. This is a misguided attempt at secrecy that often ends in divorces blowing up in court. This is because, without a divorce attorney on your side, you can easily be taken advantage of by the opposition. A divorce lawyer’s goal isn’t to drag out the process and make it difficult. In fact, a good divorce lawyer does just the opposite and keeps the divorce as amicable as possible, while sticking up for their client’s rights. As such, if you’re getting a divorce, finding a good attorney is key. Below, we’ll look at some of the ways in which a divorce lawyer can help you get through proceedings.
1. Child Custody

Finding a good attorney during a divorce is especially crucial for a parent who is divorcing. As much as parents want to put their children’s needs first, divorces without lawyers can get out of hand when it comes to custody. Parents become protective and possessive — and it’s very difficult to stay objective when it comes to your child. It’s estimated that over one million children are involved in divorce cases every year. To protect them emotionally, it’s vital that a custody agreement is made before the splitting couple begins battling over custody and taking each other to court. Some divorce lawyers can help hammer out custody agreements ahead of time, avoiding the need for a child custody lawyer and family court. For that matter, a good attorney will genuinely care about keeping the custody issue from becoming nasty. A custody agreement will be put in writing and made legal. This means that if the agreement is violated by one parent, the other has the ability to take action. Ideally, however, the custody agreement is a guideline which the parents can follow and refer to when necessary. It keeps things fair for the whole family.

2. Assets

Roughly, the average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is nine years. This means that the divorcing couple has likely had time to accrue a certain amount of shared money and belongings, especially if both parties are working professionals. As such, it can be easy for people to fight over things that were bought before and after the marriage — but as most people don’t keep track of when things were bought and by whom, it can be difficult to know who actually has the right to such belongings. Finding a good attorney ahead of the marriage can actually solve this issue before it happens — prenuptial agreements are often made with assets like these in mind. But many couples don’t make these agreements, and that’s where the battles over assets come in. All is not lost. If you set your mind to finding a good attorney to help handle your divorce, you can often come to an agreement with your former partner about who gets what. In some cases, this can also involve alimony — which leads us to our next point.

3. Child Support

Child support often goes hand in hand with custody, and is a similarly delicate issue. Like child custody, it doesn’t have to be an issue if an attorney is involved. Child support is often decided with state laws in mind, and can be at least partially dependent on who has primary custody of the child or children. But it doesn’t have to be complicated — and when an agreement is made through an attorney, you have a much better case of keeping child support payments regular.




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