When it comes to the finer details of construction law, it’s easy to get lost. We wanted to give readers a quick guide on some of the most commonly asked questions on construction and labor law, the appeals process and hiring a lawyer or construction attorney.
1. Do I Need a Construction Attorney?
If you have been threatened with legal action or anticipate trouble ahead, it would not hurt to get in touch with a construction attorney. They can provide solid advice on following labor regulations, acquiring permits and coordinating with the city. They will be able to walk you through what you need to do step by step, eliminating many potential missteps and mistakes.
2. How Do I Find the Right Attorney?
First, see if you have any personal contacts that can put you in touch with a construction attorney they recommend. If that’s not an option, search around online to find a firm that sounds like a good fit for you, then schedule a phone interview and move forward from there.
Finding the right attorney isn’t always as simple as taking on the first firm you speak with. Do your research and figure out what personalities flow with yours, and how well you get along. These personal factors can be hugely important, especially should you go to trial.
Am I Responsible For Injuries Sustained on My Site?
This is a common question without a common answer. You’ll have to contact a lawyer for this one, unfortunately, as it depends on a wide number of factors. If you believe you are being unfairly taken advantage of, there’s nothing wrong with fighting the worker’s claim, but in many cases it’s better to settle or pay the claim.
How Does the Appeals Process Work?
If you want to appeal your decision, it can be a long and costly process. An appellate attorney will help you sort through the details, but be prepared for a tougher fight in an appeals court.
Do you have any thoughts or recommendations on a construction attorney firm? Anyone have to deal with situation like this? Any advice for our readers? Let us know in our comments section, and have an excellent day!