In the United States, the court of law is one of the most important fields of work and is a great way to get a big payday if you want to be a lawyer. People look for lawyers and attorneys of all types that can help them with specific instances and legal situations they are involved in. No matter what kind of lawsuit or legal situation you are involved in, it is imperative that you seek out the help of professionals to get you the best results for your issues.
Hiring a car accident attorney, a personal injury lawyer, and a personal injury attorney is not easy as you will have to look through a lot of different options and will have to find the best lawyer working. If you are in need of a wrongful death lawsuit or you are involved in truck accidents or motor vehicle accidents then you need to get the right help. Here is what you need to know and getting a good personal injury lawyer and dealing with motor vehicle accidents.
Dealing with motor vehicle accidents can be very traumatizing as this is a serious issue to be involved in. The Association for Safe International Road Travel released information revealing that over 37,000 United States residents die in crashes on the road each year. Across the globe, more than half of all road traffic deaths occur amongst young adults that are anywhere between the ages of 15 and 44.
There was an estimated number of more than 32,000 fatal motor vehicle accidents in the United States in the year of 2015. In that same year of 2015, there were 88,000 motorcyclists were injured which decreased 4.3% from 92,000 in the year prior, 2014. Oregon traffic laws have stated that if a vehicle is moving in traffic, you have to use a turn signal that must be used at least 100 feet before a turn or lane change.
Just about 96% of all personal injury cases are settled pretrial and this includes people hurt in motor vehicle accidents. In the year of 2013, just about 14% of all traffic fatalities and 4% of all personal injuries were attributed to motorcyclists. Understand that pedestrians who are over the age of 65 accounted for nearly 20% of all pedestrian deaths and just about 13% of all pedestrian injuries in the year of 2015.
The percentage of drivers using handheld cell phones or other types of electronic devices decreased from 3.8% in 2015 and 3.3% in 2016. In the year of 2015, there were nearly 1.1 million drivers arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, which includes different types of drugs. Drugs that are other than alcohol, both legal and illegal are involved in just about 16% of all motor vehicle accidents.
In Conclusion
There is no question that if you are injured or hurt in motor vehicle accidents then you should hire a talented lawyer that will work to get the best results for you. If you suffer a serious injury when involved in motor vehicle accidents then you can miss time from work which will cost you money from your job. Even worse, you can end up in the hospital and you will have to pay high medical bills. You should not have to deal with the trauma on top of dealing with large bills and costly fines. Get a good lawyer and protect yourself when you are involved in motor vehicle accidents.