If you have been involved in an auto accident or other personal injury accident, you might be wondering whether or not you need an accident attorney. The answer is, yes you need to seek out legal counsel for any type of accident or personal injury case. There is a lot involved with a personal injury claim and an accident attorney or a personal injury lawyer can help explain everything to you and put your mind at ease as you go through the process.

You can contact your local law firm’s accident and injury group and see what attorneys are available to help you with your case. Whether you are seeking compensation for an accident or bodily injury claim or have property damage, you need compensation, these legal experts can help you prepare for your case and your day in court. Look online and ask around your community for recommendations when trying to choose an attorney.
It is best to go into these cases with legal support and guidance. Be sure you find the legal team that is right for you and your case and your specific needs. Get started today with a call to your local law firm!

It isn’t something that we like to think about but personal injuries can happen at any time. Whether you are at work or simply relaxing in public, injuries don’t wait until it is convenient to occur. However, if you or someone you know is dealing with a personal injury, there is hope. This list present the reasons why a personal injury lawyer can help you win your case and get you the compensation you deserve.
- Fight Against Claim Denials – The other party in your personal injury case is likely trying to do their best to give you one of the lowest possible personal injury lawsuit settlements possible. Sometimes, cases can become especially stressful when you realize that your claim is fighting to be denied. Only about 4-5% of personal injury cases will go to trial. Personal injury settlement time frames can vary but not having a case go to trial will usually be over much quicker. However, if your case is one that will be decided on trial, it is advisable to have a professional that knows how to handle personal injury lawsuit settlements.
One important reason that a lawsuit can be thrown out is if you wait too long to have it filed. Better known as the Statutes of Limitations, you’ll want to ensure that you don’t run out of time. Different states will have different specific Statutes of Limitations, ensure you know what the limitations of your state are.
- Professional Representation in the Courtroom – You’ve likely seen the television show or movie that has someone representing themselves in the courtroom. While these situations can make for an entertaining television program, it’s important to remember the seriousness of your real life personal injury situation. In addition, there will be questions to ask a personal injury lawyer that you won’t be able to have answered, if you represent yourself.
You can risk representing yourself in the courtroom but this usually doesn’t end as well as portrayed on the big screen. Representing yourself can leave you open to completely misrepresenting yourself. In addition, if you lose your personal injury case, you could find yourself out of the money you spent to represent yourself. You don’t want to leave the fate of your settlement in your own hands.
- Negotiate for the Highest Settlement Possible – Typically, average personal injury lawsuit settlements will be higher when you have a someone who knows how to negotiate in your corner. Statistics show that 95-96% of cases involving personal injuries are settled before a trial begins. Due to the high percentage of cases being settled early, a lawyer can get you the settlement you need quickly, which is very important.
There have been many instances where a client will take one of, if not the first, personal injury lawsuit settlements offered to them. Average personal injury settlement amounts can vary, depending on your case. However, these same clients are later enraged to find out that they could have received a much higher amount. In most cases, a settlement will be much more in your favor if you have a professional negotiating for the highest amount possible, than if you were to try this yourself.
In summary, the benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney can be the difference between winning and losing your case. Also, the higher settlement amounts that attorneys are trained to negotiate for will often have clients much more pleased with their total settlement. Make the wise decision to let a personal injury lawyer go to work for you, giving you the highest possible personal injury settlement.