Author: Law School

  • What to Look for When Finding a Lawyer to Represent Your Child Custody Battle

    Are you looking for a child custody attorney? This can be a very difficult time, especially if there are divorce lawyers and other legal representation involved. Kids can feel very overwhelmed and insecure when all of these things are happening so you need to make sure that the child custody attorney or child support attorney…

  • What Does a Family Lawyer Do? Where to Turn When You Need Help

    What Does a Family Lawyer Do? Where to Turn When You Need Help

    When you and your partner decide to call it quits on your marriage, you’ll benefit from enlisting the help of local family lawyers instead of relying on divorce planning software. However, note that a professional can specialize in different areas of family law. Some common family law practice areas besides divorce include child support, alimony…

  • When You’ve Been in a Motorcycle Accident, Contact a Local Personal Injury Law Firm

    If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, it’s important that you contact a personal injury law firm as soon as possible. A personal injury lawyer will be able to explain your rights and responsibilities as well as evaluate your case for a potential lawsuit. When someone in your family has died as a result…

  • So, Your License Got Suspended

    There are many reasons why you might be facing a drivers license suspension. Maybe you have one too many unpaid parking tickets or points on your license. Maybe you re-negged on your implied consent, or a poor understanding of state DUI laws landed you with a drunk driving conviction. Whatever the reason, a drivers license…

  • Reasons to Hire a Disability Insurance Attorney

    No one ever expects that they will become disabled but it happens much more often than people think. It has been estimated that one quarter of all people who are 20 years old will become disabled by the time they are set to retire. More than 12% of the American population is disabled. That is…

  • Are You the ‘Lucky’ Survivor of an Alaskan Air Crash?

    Have you seen that show about Alaska? The one where they track the guy who travels across the snow and the wilderness to check on his traps. And while the star of the show and his spouse try to make trapping for furs in Alaska seem like a perfectly normal career choice, the conflict in…

  • Having the Right Information on Lawyers Can Help You Get Through a Legal Dilemma Faster

    No matter how much you want to avoid such situations, inevitably, at certain points of time in life, the need for expert legal representation makes itself felt for some reason or the other. Whether it is for small matters which can be resolved in a matter of days, to legally complex, nuanced conundrums that might…

  • States Are Trying to Deal with DUI Situations In The Wake of New Pot Laws

    Drinking and driving is a serious problem in United States. The typical drunk driver we’ll do it 80 times before their every caught. But Around the country, there are at least 300,000 drinking and driving but only approximately four thousand are actually arrested.. Yeah the pot is become legal and states across the country the…

  • Injured at Work? Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

    While we try our best to avoid accidents, they can still happen at any given time. This could be a horrendous car accident or simply falling down the stairs. Either way, the pain suffered from these incidents can be harmful in both physical and mental ways. If you do suffer from an accident bodily injury,…

  • Three Things to Look for in a Car Accident Attorney

    Three Things to Look for in a Car Accident Attorney

    No one ever wants to be involved in a car accident! Even a so-called minor accident can result in damaged property and injury in some cases. If you or a loved one has been in a car accident recently, then you need to reach out to one of the local car accident lawyers in your…